Getting Started With Connecta Mobile

Getting Started With Connecta Mobile

Step 1: Selecting Your Plan

Start by reviewing our latest plans. Start by going here:

Step 1 GIF

Step 2: Select Your Device

Once you’ve decided on a plan and the features we offer Press the orange SHOP NOW button to select a device.

To learn more about our most secure phone the Connecta Mobile Model 1 Click Here

Step 2 GIF

Step 3: Add to Cart

After selecting the device and the plan, select “Add to Cart” for the next steps. This action will include the chosen device and plan, along with any applicable promotions or discounts.

Step 3 GIF

Step 4-5: Enter Zipcode and Proceed to Checkout

On the checkout page, customers must start by entering their billing zipcode in the “ZipCode” box to validate if our service will work in their area. After entering the zipcode and if no errors are presented, customers can “Proceed to Checkout”.

Step 4-5 GIF

Step 6: Share Cart (Optional)

If customers want their cart emailed to them, they can click the “Share” icon and enter their email address to get it sent.

Step 6 GIF

Step 7: Fill Required Information

Continue filling out the required information:

  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Billing address
  • If shipping is the same as billing, it auto-fills. If different, select “Different from shipping address” and enter the shipping address info.
  • Shipping method
  • Credit card information
  • Port-In information if porting a number over

Email and Phone number

Step 7-1 GIF

Billing and Shipping Address

Step 7-2 GIF

Credit Card and Port-In

Step 7-3 GIF

Customer Account

Step 7-4 GIF

Step 8: Placing An Order

Once an order is placed, you will receive a payment confirmation, enrollment confirmation, and Enrollment update email that will look similar to the examples below.

When an order is ready to be shipped, you will receive an email with your tracking information.

Order Process Screenshot
Order Process Screenshot
Order Process Screenshot

Step 9: Shipment Notification

For customers who:

When a order has been shipped you will receive a email with your tracking information.

  • Purchased device and service, proceed to step 14
  • Purchased service only with Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), continue to the next step.
Order Process Screenshot

Step 10: Download Priva|C App

For customers bringing their own device, they must download the Priva|C app from the Connecta Mobile website:

Step 11-12: Setup Priva|C App and Call to Activate Service

Once downloaded, follow the setup steps using this link:

If you need to activate your service and recieve your QR code fill out the form bellow. Service can take up to 24 hours to be activated.

    Step 13: Secure Call Setup

    When Priva|C is fully set up for the BYOD customer, secure call setup is done simultaneously, and the app is automatically pushed to the phone.

    Customers who purchased a device and service from Connecta Mobile get all features set up but need to call Connecta Mobile to